Welcome To Year 6 for 2018 and 2019!
Spring 1
During January, we have studied the play of Richard III, written by our class author, William Shakespeare. We have also visited Leicester and recounted the last few days of Richard's life. Once we had done it all, we tried to answer our big history question:
We will publish photos of our work, once we have completed our exhibition.
Autumn 2
During November and December:
- We created Scotholme's very first podcast about World War 1;
- We have visited a series of trenches in Sherwood Pines;
- We have written poems about WW1 after reading Wilfred Owen and Siegfried Sassoon;
- We watched a theatre performance called 'The First';
- Las Tortugas visited Into University;
- We have written and published our own versions of what happened after The Final Problem.
Autumn 1
This half-term:
- We have studied Macbeth, writing parts of the story, creating witches' spells and using a wash to create an atmosphere in our painting;
- We have practised all four major operations in maths;
- We found out how and why World War 1 started;
- In the ICT Suite, we created WW1 soundscapes;
- We researched Julian Opie and drew a self-portrait in his style;
- Los Loros went to Into University.