Safeguarding at Scotholme
2023 Scotholme Child Protection Policy
At Scotholme, we take safeguarding your child very seriously. We work in partnership with parents, children and the Local Authority to ensure that all children are safe from harm.
We have 5 Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in school.
The main DSL is Ms Hall – Head Teacher [email protected]
Ms Hall is supported by Mr Hollis (Deputy Head Teacher - [email protected]) and supported by Mr Hall (Assistant Headteacher: [email protected]), Miss Bowden (SENDCO: [email protected]) and Mr Grimshaw (School Business Manager: [email protected])
Designated teacher for LAC and previously LAC - Ms Hall
All members of staff and governors receive safeguarding training on a regular basis.
If you are concerned for the welfare of any child, please come into school and make an appointment to see a DSL.
You can contact Children’s Social Care (Children and Families Direct) on: 0115 876 4800 or visit their website or via e-mail: [email protected]
At Scotholme, we take safeguarding your child very seriously. We work in partnership with parents, children and the Local Authority to ensure that all children are safe from harm.
We have 5 Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) in school.
The main DSL is Ms Hall – Head Teacher [email protected]
Ms Hall is supported by Mr Hollis (Deputy Head Teacher - [email protected]) and supported by Mr Hall (Assistant Headteacher: [email protected]), Miss Bowden (SENDCO: [email protected]) and Mr Grimshaw (School Business Manager: [email protected])
Designated teacher for LAC and previously LAC - Ms Hall
All members of staff and governors receive safeguarding training on a regular basis.
If you are concerned for the welfare of any child, please come into school and make an appointment to see a DSL.
You can contact Children’s Social Care (Children and Families Direct) on: 0115 876 4800 or visit their website or via e-mail: [email protected]